I am so excited about the upcoming Holidays that I feel like I am going to BURST! Halloween, followed by Thanksgiving, followed by Christmas - ah!
I have been running around like a crazy person lately in preparation for all the events. Not only do I have myself to take care of, but now I have Bailey!
A friend of mine mentioned to me last week that she was so glad that I had a girl - hinting at my over the topness when it comes to outfits, headbands, and anything made of tulle.
For Bailey's first halloween, I could not resist going all out on her costume. I found this woman who makes these costumes to order and I ordered extra rick-rack, tulle, and spiders! Oh just wait until Thanksgiving...
Bailey had a very eventful month. We started off with a visit to my closest friends' house to order up tons of toys! She has 2 girls and a million toys - now, Bailey has a million toys and I stay busy keeping working batteries in everything! Someone needs to invent toys that run on solar energy... After that, we headed to baby heaven - or Babies R Us for a little shopping trip with Bailey's birth-grandmother - Meme. By the end of the day, my car was packed to the ceiling with clothes, toys, diapers, and full hearts!
Back to Halloween. We are so fortunate to have about 7 couples on our street that we spend every weekend with. Now that we have 3 babies under a year and one more on the way - it has become even MORE convenient. This year we opted to do a Halloween Porch Crawl. It was awesome! We had a great time and the kids looked GREAT!
Well, anyone who knows Christian knows that he has some serious ADD. I almost think that it becomes worse with age. Now, he has millions of things to think about and millions of ideas to execute all at the same time... His most recent... bikes with Bailey. It is partly my fault because a couple years ago I decided I wanted to ride my bike all over. I wanted to ride to the store, dinner, brunch, wherever... Well, Christian got me a beautiful white Specialized bike that I have ridden maybe 5 times - BUT - Bailey gave him some new inspiration. We got a "chariot" for the back and took her on a ride! She was in heaven - strapped in with her doll - we rode all over the neighborhood.
Good Times!
Bailey loves looking out of all the windows :) |
Sweet Face! |
Opening my gifts from Boppy! |
My new helmet |
My doggie that Meme bought me |
Fun! |
Bailey's favorite thing to do when I do dishes...
Crawl in the dishwasher! |
In her catsuit! |
With the Beauty Queen! |
Halloween |
Loving Mommy :) |
Love her hat! |
Bumblebee and Witch |
About to head out... |
This is itchy mama! |
I feel silly! |
Silly witch! |
Chunky Cheeks! |
So serious... |
Love those teeth! |
Spiders, tulle, and rick rack |
What is that? |
Getting tired of pictures... |
Swinging |
Screaming! |
Who is that? |
First Trick-or-Treat |
Knock on the door... |
Get the candy... |
Open it up... |
Inspect. |
Say Thank You! |
Bailey in her chariot |
Riding with Dada