It has finally happened! Iowa has awaken from it's record setting winter and is slowly creeping it's way toward Spring! I really thought it would never happen. When we were house hunting here I told Christian that a HUGE playroom was on my must have list - mainly because I HATE having toys in my "adult" spaces. Well, we did get a huge playroom and thank God! I absolutely do not know what we would have done all winter without a space to play!! Bailey spent the entire winter down there!
As soon as we saw the weather rise above freezing, Christian and I ordered some fresh sod for our yard. I love a nice lawn and pretty flowers (those are coming next). We spent 3 grueling days laying sod but the yard looks AMAZE-BALLS!
Prior to that, we spent the weekend in North Carolina celebrating Christian's brother's wedding. It was fabulous! I'm looking forward to another female in-law in the family to "even out the score" ;0
Bailey was the flower girl in Ryan and Jen's wedding and was PRECIOUS. We were SO worried that she was going to get cold feet and not walk with her cousin and turns out, she did... BUT it all worked out... she ended up following me down the isle like a little duckling - so cute!
She also LOVES a party. She was dancing until midnight on Friday night before the wedding. Saturday, she danced a little, but we had a sitter come get her so Christian and I could let loose a little bit - which we did! We haven't danced together in what seems like forever! We had the best time and I just keep falling in love with that guy over and over again!
On another note, Bailey is officially out of diapers!!! Yay!!! I would be lying if I said she was hard - she was really easy... just a matter of waiting until she was ready. I have tried to get her to do it for about 4 months to no avail but one Friday morning, she woke up and wanted to use the potty! That was it! We locked ourselves in the house for 3 days with a 3-pack of carpet cleaner and a lot of Skittles. We put the heat on high and she walked around in the nude - works like a charm! (Thanks John Rosemond) Christian was a little uncomfortable with the nudity but whatever! We are still working on listening to our body when we are outside playing - but it will come :)
Another big milestone is Bailey is in her bed! Well, she has actually been sleeping in the guestroom bed for about 2 months... but she doesn't care either way. She just LOVES a real bed! We finally got her bed in the room - she looks so little in a queen!!! Christian and I still crack up when we walk in to check on her!!! She is so proud of herself :)
As far as the title of my post, "Spring Cleaning", I now know what that is. It is when a foot of snow has sat on your yard for 7 months and it begins melting accompanied by torential down pours weekly - MESS! We are spending a LOT of time outdoors cleaning up the property and just getting everything neat! I like neat :)
Christian and I have also dedicated this time to doing a little "cleaning" up in our lives. We are working on cleaning out people, things, thoughts and habits that are fogging our souls. Sometimes, our lives need a little cleanse - I feel like I start getting busy, or I enter into a new phase and have to cut out things and people that are trying to hold me back or that I just don't have the energy for anymore.
- As far as people - We are going to focus on those that are kind, warm, and positive. The reality is that relationships should be simple. We are not going to try to hold on to old ones that bear no fruit and not press ones that simply don't want to be.
- As far as things - we have too many... we are coming up with a plan for that :)
- As far as thoughts - well, we are going to ONLY focus on what is GOOD and not dwell on what could have been :)
- Lastly, and most importantly habits. We are FAT! hahahaha! Christian and I have enjoyed cooking and wine a little too much and that is going to change... it was fun, and I enjoyed being fat for a season, but seriously, I want my sexy back! LOL! And I have told Christian to stop telling me I look great... it's a lie. I saw the pics ;0
Here's to Spring! Cleaning out our homes, yards, and lives!