Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Enough About Me...

While Christian and I were traveling, Bailey was romping around with her grandparents and my sister along with her three kids whom Bailey is obsessed with!  I can borrow this phrase from my grandmother "she is growing like a weed!"

Christian and I are amazed at how she is looking less like a BABY and more like a... PERSON!
She has a sassy little personality and I would be lying if I said two was my favorite age :-/
There is so much fun about two - the talking, the personality, the fact that she is such a quick learner, the independence... BUT, the tantrums and irrationality are mind blowing.  Sometimes Christian asks me "What is wrong with Bailey?"  I just respond, "She hates herself..."  Ha!  I guess we all feel that way sometimes!

Since this blog is technically about her (but more and more becomes about us)  I want to document milestones in her life :)

A typical day in this house consists of waking up to a sweet little angel then heading downstairs to begin a day on a wild roller coaster ride of emotions!

It starts at breakfast where I am given very specific orders of how things are to be done...
- certain color plate
- specific cup
- food requests
- fork preference
- number of napkins and so on...

Bailey is VERY controlling about how events such as eating, bathing, and getting in the car go -

- She MUST have a napkin when she eats and she HATES a mess.  She will scream "MESS!" until it is resolved - I can't wait to monopolize on this when she is a little older ;0

- She will only eat with "adult" utensils - even if she can't handle them as easily

- Her food cannot touch...

- As for a bath, she must control how much soap goes in and what color the water will be for that night

- As far as getting in the car... she has to be buckled in, cup by her side, baby in her lap, and movie on - all before we can even pull out of the garage

She is a "particular" little monster but it is kind of cute :)  The only catch is that if ANY of these things are not the way she wants them - she will thrust her body on the floor - kick, scream, squeal, slide, and basically act like a maniac.  Silly.

I hate to describe her like this as if it were ALL the time, because it is definitely not... most times, she is very easy going - but when she is not, she is NOT!

Bailey had her 2 year appointment in December and was 35 inches tall and almost 28 pounds!  She is in the 80th percentile for height and noggin - and 50th in weight.


- pretend play
- coloring
- dancing
- baths
- write on paper with pens
- stickers
- her baby
- snacks more than meals
- There is really no food that she doesn't like, but these are her faves: apples, oranges, bananas, cauliflower, summer sausage, eggs, cheese, burritos, cookies, fruit snacks, pickles, hot banana peppers (crazy!)
- movies
- the dog
- cuddling
- baking
- technology
- my makeup

Words and Phrases - just a few:

- "Gook!"  this means "look"
- "no, I don't want it..." means get it out of here or I will melt down!
- "dada is at work!" she says this EVERY morning when we come downstairs
- "snow"
- "ok" to everything
- "pease" means please
- "I stink" which means she has poo
- "come on!" when she wants you to follow her
- "Bonk" which is Monk, her best friend
- "chicken" every time we drive past chick-fil-a
- "gaga" is her cup - still don't know where this came from
- "nack" is a snack - she has 10 a day
- "play" means she wants to go to her play room but I have to turn on the lights
- "help you"  this means "will you help me?"
- "i get it" means leave me alone, I got it!
- "Love you - love you too"  she says both :)
- "bye bye - see you later!"
- "ashes ashes..." she loves ring around the rosie :)
- "George!"  her favorite show, Curious George
- "thats cute!" when she sees herself or another little girl in a cute outfit!
- "movie" when she wants to watch a movie
- "hurts" when she bumps something
- "bow" every morning she has to have a bow in her hair
- "tank you" she is very polite, I will give her that!
- "Amen" in mass - it's so funny because she says it so loud!
- "Peace!" in mass
- "cubble" means she wants to cuddle on the couch under a blanket
- "banket" blanket to lay under
- "canny" means she wants candy - we are working on limiting this, but flying has ruined that ;-/
- "there she is!" this is a game where she runs out and comes back in screaming "there she is!" cute
- "five" means give me a high five
- "buckle" means knuckles - comes after the high five...
- "Katie!"  yes, she calls me Katie - at first I thought it was weird, but then realized that no one calls me mommy, so actually, it makes sense
- "tash" means this needs to go in the trash
- "it's good!"  if I give her something she particularly likes, like ice cream

- She knows most of her animals except some crazy ones, basic shapes, and can pretty much identify all foods that she knows of.  We are working on colors :)
- She counts to 10 although five sounds like nine!

We absolutely love her and she is such a special little thing :)  So many more years to come of fun memories!
