Around 1 o'clock, my phone rang - it was the agency. The social worker asked if we were both there to listen and we were, and she told us the news. "Good news! Bailey was born yesterday morning, and everyone is doing fine." I couldn't believe it! She WAS born on Christmas. Turns out, her birthmom started going into labor Christmas eve and went in - as they waited, Bailey somehow tangled herself around her umbilical cord and the nurses rushed in to send her birthmom off for an emergency c-section. That was why we didn't get the news immediately.
It was very traumatic for her birthmom and her mother - it was not at all like they had planned and the scarring and stress seemed overwhelming. Bailey's birthmom got on the phone and told us to come - We did.
When we walked in, Bailey was in the nursery so we spent some time with her birthmom, mother, and brother. This is what we weren't prepared for.
We were so excited to meet and hold Bailey, but we found ourselves in the heaviest room in the world. The sadness was so thick you could feel it. We tried so hard to contain our excitement, but I was bursting inside. What a conflict.
Her birth-grandmother finally walked us to the nursery where we would first see our little Christmas present. She was beautiful. She had a TON of hair and looked just like her birthmom.
We were in love.
Because so many ask, Christian and I came up with the name Bailey. I had originally chosen a different middle name - One afternoon in the hospital, I was laying bedside with Bailey's birthmom and the name topic came up - long story short, we took the name "Lauren" which was her middle name. Christian and I were honored to give Bailey this namesake. So that is it.. Bailey Lauren Cooper.
First time holding Bailey |
In the Hospital with Bailey |