Friday, May 6, 2011

A Little Old and A Little New...

The old:  Well, Christian and I are happy to report that after bringing home our baby bird, we were able to nurture him to health and teach him to fly.  He left the nest last week, and I couldn't be happier... That is JUST what I needed - a bird... along with 2 dogs, a 4 month old, and a husband... Seriously?
The new: Well, as much as the world tried to steal our thunder - between the Royal Wedding and the Osama ambush - Bailey turned 4 months old last week!  Yes, we had our dreadful 4 month appointment, complete with lots of shots and tears :(
Bailey apparently has been doing a lot of growing since 3 months, because she had some big number changes on her charts - She is now 25.25 inches long and almost 14 pounds!  We were expecting the length because:
1. her birthmom is a tall, long legged goddess, and
2.  she is busting the feet out of all of her onesies!
Her percentile for height is almost 90 percent, which was a jump from a month before at 22nd!  We realize that these numbers are virtually useless but nonetheless, it is quite interesting.
Then there is the tooth.  It is just sticking out!  It is absolutely hilarious when she laughs, and you see this single bottom tooth popping out - like Lil Deville from Rugrats!
As for her favorite toy this month, it is her new Einstein Jumper.  Now, I always wondered what Einstein had to do with this stuff, and I think I figured it out.  Apparently, you have to actually "Be" baby Einstein to put it together!  It is like a million pieces of China's best plastic, and the instructions are all visual - no words.  Really???
In the end, we figured it out and Ms. B loves it!
Here she is at 4 months :)
Christian - AKA - St. Francis

The Bird.


4 Month Appointment

Inman Park Festival

Bailey and her favorite "Auntie"

In her new jumper

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